Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Not sure whether to cry or shout for joy!

Preschool Classes

So, it hit me, I mean really hit me today that next week is the last week of Preschool for this year. In some ways, I am so excited to have a break, but oh my, I will miss those kids. A few of them were in my class last year too, so it will be really hard not to have them coming back. They are so fun, and also very funny.
A couple months ago I got out the q-tips for a glueing project and Kennadee says to me "silly teacher those aren't for glue, they're for our ears" like DUH how could I make such a stupid mistake. There's also the funny comments during playtime when the kids say the wrong name for things, like calling the elevator an excavator! I just LOVE my job and all those cute faces pictured above.

So here's the question, do I cry or shout for joy???


Kerrilyn said...

If it were me I would cry first...but only a little and THEN I WOULD SHOUT FOR JOY!!!

Marie Lefler said...

Bitter sweet! I bet it is nice to be done, but I am sorry that you are sad. What will you do with all your free time? Maybe you should come up and visit us!!! hahaha.

Hope you cope well with your loss.

MakingChanges said...

Have you met my daughter? I would be shouting for joy! But, their little faces are so cute so I might have to cry just a little bit.

{Mo} said...

Maybe a little bit of both??? I need to ask you some pre-school questions one of these days. I'm kicking around the idea of trying it out next year and need some tips, and who better to ask than an expert like you!

Melinda said...

I say SHOUT FOR JOY! I know I am! hahaha :)

Charles, Kellie, Gabe and Khale said...

I am getting ready to "SHOUT FOR JOY!" But then I teach teenagers, it isn't so cute when they call an elevator an excavator.

Sally Young said...

It is kind of sad. I would cry but then I would shout for joy. till I realized I would still have my 2 boys home all summer. I hate early out days. Not sure how I am going to pull off being home all summer. This is the first time in 6 yers I will be home all summer with them. I think I may cry. I know I will be shouting for Joy by the time school starts back up in the fall.

Bret Bushman Family said...

I am sure it is a hard thing, you must get so attached to those adorable kids, that is how people can know you are a great teacher because you are sad to see it end.